
Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.
Romans 7: 24-25

We all know what is right and what is wrong. Do not trick yourself into believing it is ok to keep doing what you are doing. Don’t let evil win by fooling you in to thinking you can not take control and change your habits. You can! Becoming aware that you want to change is the first step.

Stay in the word of God, stay in church, stay in community. We all need people to “check” us. We have to be completely honest with ourselves, God and our friends/family about wanting to change. Once sin is brought to light, it can no longer hide. Sharing your addictive tendencies with those that love you will allow the healing to begin.

If you fill your days and nights with proper habits (even if they are little weird, like some of mine), it will help you to stay away from the improper ones. Find activities that makes you feel good and right, without hurting yourself and others. For me, eating a honey bun at night is ok, I don’t have any medical issues in the this area. It’s different for each person. However, if I ever find myself in an all consuming situation it would NOT be ok to continue that path. One example is going to casinos. I LOVE to gamble. Guess what, I only go once a year with only a set amount of money. I know if I allowed myself to visit the casinos all the time, it would be tragic for me and my family. I have control of that tendency.

You take control of yours, before it is too late.

God, give me the strength to take control of my life, in every area.

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